If you are planning to attend our Open Evening, please be aware that we are operating an online booking system which includes 4 half hour sessions from 6.00pm to 8.00pm: Session 1 - 6.00pm–6.30pm Session 2 - 6.30pm–7.00pm Session 3 - 7.00pm–7.30pm Session 4 - 7.30pm–8.00pm. Each session will start with a presentation by Mr Owen, the Headteacher, followed by a tour of the school.
Since being appointed as Headteacher of Winchmore School, I am very proud that our school community has gone from strength to strength with our students making more progress than ever and achieving higher standards than ever.
This has all been achieved alongside a real commitment to the Arts with our students achieving ever increasing standards in performance to increasing audiences. We are now significantly oversubscribed and have developed a very strong relationship with our local community. Winchmore is a thriving school community which I am extremely proud to be a part of.
Jim Owen, Headteacher