
Mental Health & Wellbeing at Winchmore

We believe that positive emotional wellbeing and mental wellness are not only crucial in enabling students to feel happy and fulfilled within themselves as individuals, but also in enabling them to thrive and flourish during their time with us here at Winchmore. Students who enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing are better able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, fulfil their own potential and make a contribution to their wider community.


However, we recognise that feeling happy and secure at all times can be challenging for some students and that all of us can experience changes in our general wellbeing for a range of reasons.  Because of this, we promote a culture where all members of the school community feel valued and supported and all feel able to share concerns where they arise.


Mental Health & Wellbeing Provision 

Student Signposting 

We promote this culture through:

  • High quality teaching and student support
  • Positive interactions between staff, students and home
  • Our pastoral support system which includes: Tutors, Year Teams, Safeguarding Leads, the Behaviour team and the School Counsellors
  • Extensive liaison with external services, where appropriate, to ensure that, as far as possible, students receive the support that they need
  • PSHE lessons which is constantly reviewed and update to reflect students’ needs
  • Assemblies and tutor activities which focus on well-being and key aspects of safeguarding
  • Information shared in the Winchmore Weekly email
  • Staff training to assist staff in identifying mental health warning signs and advising them on best practice strategies


We all have Mental health!  Mental health can be considered as the capacity to live in a resourceful and fulfilling manner, and having the resilience to survive pain, disappointment and sadness.

A mental health problem is one in which a person is distracted from ordinary daily living by upsetting and disturbing thoughts or feelings. The problem may disorientate a person’s view of the world and produce a variety of symptoms and behaviour which may cause stress and concern.

 Mental health difficulties can refer to:

  • Long term mental health issues/psychiatric conditions which may be classified as a disability
  • Emerging mental health problems which may arise during a student’s time at school and require intervention and support
  • Temporary mental health problems which interfere with a student’s capacity to fulfil their academic potential

Further information about mental health and support can be found at the following:



